Supported living

Supported living

One Step at a Time believes that everyone has the potential to develop the motivation and competence to lead a fulfilling life if they are provided with the appropriate support and opportunities. Therefore, our aim is to create the right support environment and to assist each individual in gaining a realistic perspective on how to integrate into the community.

We also believe that each project member is a deserving person with their own, unique needs. We respect their dignity and give them the opportunity to be themselves in a setting where they can feel safe and encouraged to lead full and active lives.

Ultimately, the ability to establish and maintain relationships is the key to social inclusion. In line with this, OSAAT's vision is holistic; we not only embrace material needs but all aspects of a person's life, taking into account social, educational and vocational skills, as well as recreational and leisure activities.

Accommodation is provided in well-specified, self-contained flats and project members are guided by our support team as they take the step towards independent living.

Each person's needs are determined in consultation with the referring agency. We assess each individual and make recommendations accordingly; therefore, the support programme is entirely flexible. We provide a range of packages to meet the unique needs and objectives of the individual.

In addition, our freephone helpline is staffed 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year to give advice and assistance in an emergency.

In a few instances, individuals requiring an intensive level of support may need to have access to an on-site member of staff at any time of day or night. They are likely to move on to a greater degree of independence after six to eight months, depending on the results of continual assessment of their individual needs. However, the majority of project members are able to live and learn life skills within the local community with the help of direct contact from our support team, typically for 15 hours per week and with the back-up of our 24-hour freephone helpline in an emergency.

As each individual is guided towards full independence, outreach support is reduced to five hours per week, again with the back-up of our 24-hour freephone helpline. Education and employment advice is also made available.

Within the framework of these options, tailor-made programmes can be devised in consultation with the referring agency.


Our aim is to support each individual in developing the skills and understanding necessary to manage their own tenancy. For 16-18-year-olds working towards a future tenancy, understanding the meaning of a tenancy and its management is fundamental to the pathway planning process; this understanding ensures that the young person can understand the roles and responsibilities of both landlord and tenant.

For those over 18 who are eligible for a tenancy, One Step at a Time offers assistance to ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, and that any support in managing issues such as rent payments, maintenance requirements and correspondence is offered as part of their support plan.

We also assist each individual in their application for housing benefit to ensure that the maximum amount available is awarded and rent can be paid on time. The team works in partnership with landlords and housing associations to offer support for tenants in making contact with landlords regarding any relevant queries.

Daily living

One-to-one support is provided by a named key worker, who encourages their clients to make their own decisions and gain daily living skills, such as cooking, cleaning, budgeting and shopping. We work with the project member to address all aspects of life on the road to independent living.


One Step at a Time understands that each person has a preferred method of communication; for some individuals it may be through verbal communication or the use of Makaton and, for others, through the use of visual and audio aids.

During assessment and support planning, we will work with you to identify how you wish to communicate your needs.

We will also determine how you would like your staff team to support you in varying situations. For example, it may be that at times, some individuals feel anxious and become distressed. The best way to deal with the situation may be for staff to give the person some time alone to return to the conversation when they are feeling calmer and can communicate their needs positively.

Other people may wish to choose which hot drink they would like by pointing at tea or coffee containers in their kitchen but choose what they would like eat for an evening meal by using pictures. Whatever the method of communication, we will work with you to gain an understanding and adopt techniques already familiar to you so that you are confident in our staff’s ability to understand and support your needs.

Health and wellbeing

Our team works with each person to identify key targets in their day-to-day lives to maintain their physical and emotional wellbeing and to explain the importance of healthcare and hygiene.

Support can vary depending on the individual, but can include assistance in registering with a local GP, dentist and any other required health professionals, and identifying and accessing specialist disciplines such as counselling and psychology, personal care activities, exercise and healthy living, menu planning and cooking skills, weekly shopping and education on healthy food choices. Each target is agreed with you within your support plan and reviewed regularly as your skills develop.


Everyone is given appropriate advice and assistance in claiming benefits and we help each project member create their own budgeting plan. An allowance can be provided if benefits are not appropriate or until benefits are received.

OSAAT will support each individual to develop and work to budget plans to support in developing money management skills where appropriate. We will also work in partnership with any appointees.


The team will work with each individual to identify and access leisure and recreational opportunities that are of interest to them. This can range from local day services to community groups, such as book clubs, music clubs, bingo, theatre groups and coffee mornings.

We understand that for some people, accessing leisure activities for the first time can be daunting; therefore we can accompany project members so they can familiarise themselves with the new faces and environment. We can continue to do this until the person is comfortable to attend alone.

As an organisation, One Step at a Time can also signpost and support you in attending local community groups run by outside agencies with the resources to facilitate regular social activities.


We discuss each person’s aspirations and assist them in accessing education or employment. We also help with enrolment by accompanying project members to college open days and we support their integration into college life.

If an individual decides not to pursue education, we help them design their CVs, seek employment and accompany them to job centres.

Personal care

One Step at a Time can support individuals to maintain and develop their day-to-day personal care skills, from prompting you to attend to your personal care to offering practical support to those with difficulties such as reduced mobility. We also help project members understand the health benefits of attending to their personal care and risk factors in not doing so.

We recognise that some individuals may only need support in particular aspects of personal care, such as washing their hair or brushing their teeth, whilst they are confident in other areas, such as bathing. We also understand that some people may be able to become more independent with their personal care if they are supported with techniques to remind them to carry out tasks by setting reminders on their mobile phones.

It may be that some project members can carry out personal care independently but are anxious about trips or falls in the bath due to a diagnosis of epilepsy; therefore, they need support at the end of the telephone to check in and out with staff whilst attending to their personal care.

Whatever your need, your routine and skills will be determined through assessment and support planning and staff will work with you to identify areas of development and ways in which you can achieve your goals.


We aim to support individuals to be as independent as possible in as many aspects of their lives as possible. With this in mind, there are various ways in which we can help a person manage their medication within their own capabilities.

Support includes:

  • Prompting you to take your medication at the required times and exploring methods to help you do this more independently, such as setting reminders
  • Support to order and collect prescriptions
  • Support to see your pharmacist and arrange a dosset box
  • Support to administer medication (including PRN medication)
  • Advice on how to store your medication safely

Our staff are all fully trained to support you with your medication needs and how they do so will be determined by you through your assessment and support plan.

Social skills

One Step at a Time understands that it is important for each project member to develop and maintain a network of support through family, friends and professionals, and will assist you in maintaining those relationships.

We recognise that in your placement, you may be living with new people or may be living on your own for the first time. Therefore, we will work with you to ensure that you are comfortable with the people around you and that all existing relationships can be maintained to the level that you wish.

Some individuals may like to develop their confidence in social situations; we will help you identify networking opportunities in the community so you can develop new relationships with like-minded people of your choice. Wherever required, we will also accompany you to any groups until such a point that you are confident to attend independently.

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