Delivering value through excellence.

One Step At A Time provides young people and vulnerable adults with a variety of independent living options tailored to the needs of each individual person.

Who we are

At One Step At A Time we aim to deliver services that represent excellent value without compromising on quality, supporting people to access the full range of benefits they are entitled to.

St Michael’s is a community-based supported living and outreach for young people and adults with learning disabilities, autism, acquired brain injury, physical disabilities and sensory impairments.

Find out more

Our head office in Henley is registered with CQC for the provision of personal care throughout One Step at a Time. In addition, it houses our support team for supported living services throughout Berkshire and the surrounding counties, as well as our head office functions.

To discuss your individual placement needs regarding any of the services we offer in more detail, please contact us.

Levels of support

Therefore, our aim is to create the right support environment and to assist each individual in gaining a realistic perspective on how to integrate into the community.

We discuss each person’s aspirations and assist them in accessing education or employment. We also help with enrolment by accompanying project members to college open days and we support their integration into college life.

What’s new?


Keep an eye out for upcoming events and news from our team.

Latest success story

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"Just wanted to also say that the children are doing really well and the carers are doing an excellent job communicating and working with our service!"
- S.M. Local Authority Social Worker

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